Happy Friendship Day :* (page 2)

Dear B3.3 Wing B :)
When we first talked to each other, I knew we would always be friends. Our friendship has kept growing and i'll be here for you guys to the end. You listen when i have a problem and help dry the tears from my face. You take away my sadness, and put happiness in its place. We can't forget the fun we've had. Laughing until our faces turn red. Talking of things only we find funny. I guess this is my way of saying thanks for catching me when i fall. Thanks once again for being such a good friend, sister, mother for me :') and always be there when i need you ;* after this, i'll met a new friends, but always remember that i will never ever will forget our memories together. You will always be part of my life and you will never leave it. Don't think that just because i have new friends, it means that they will replace you or i won't have time for you anymore. IT'S NEVER GOING HAPPEN. Too many memories along 10 months together, always guide each other, cared like sister, adviced like mother, protected like father, 10.30pm Al-Mulk together, did birthday prank ! thank you for everything girls :* Hopefully you guys won't forget our memories :') Love ya !

I DON'T WANT US TO BE A STRANGERS, I WANT US TO BE ONE FAMILY, always cared each other no matter what :)

psstt, please remember our song  :*

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